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City-Link Express Funds St. John Ambulance For New Ambulance

On 17th December 2022 at Pay Fong Middle School, Melaka, Mr Ronald Tan the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) accompanied by two other executives representing City-Link Express had attended a fundraising event for St John Ambulance. The organisation was looking forward to collecting RM500,000 in donations to buy new ambulances as the current ones are too old for operations. 

Currently, the organization has managed to collect funds up to RM333, 333.33 for their new ambulances.

Initially, St John Ambulance have only 3 ambulance cars. Two of them had already reached 23 and 11 months and 25 years of operation respectively, with only one now left. The old ambulances will no longer be on the road and will be utilized for other use.

In concern to this, City-Link Express Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Ronald Tan, was determined to donate around RM5,000 in conjunction with the fundraising with the hope that we can give back to the community. The donation also acts as a token of gratitude and appreciation for the support that City-Link Express has received over the years. 

We hope that the contributions will be able to afford more ambulances to help our people in need. Keep supporting City-Link Express as we do our best to serve not only our customers but also our communities.